Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Doctor is in.

I made these last night: Photobucket They will be earrings. I found television-shaped bezels, and since my favorite current show is Doctor Who, I found some images and resized them to fit. I'll have to do a Star Trek set, too. Geek jewelry!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

More French poster art...

Yet another memory glass pendant, two sides, both from old French posters.

Side one:


Side two:


A generous friend of mine gave me some old game pieces, including dominos and Scrabble letters. I'm going to be making a lot of charms in the next few months!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More resin madness!

Three charms, two are double-sided.

Queen Bee!



Paris goodies!



One side on this one- and the colors ran a bit. :( No idea why. The seal might not have been completely dry before I added the resin.


Same technique as always, but I'm experimenting with different types of resin (no two-part mixes yet). Mostly I've been using Mod Podge Dimensional Magic, but I tried JudiKins Diamond Glaze. Diamond dries harder and faster, but Mod Podge is easier to pour. Takes 24 hours to harden, though. Aileen's Paper Glaze works well, too. I've had fewer bubbles with Aileen's.

I'm not going to attempt a two-part resin like ICE until my technique is very, very good.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Laughing out loud!

Just made this last night:


I love working with Scrabble letters! I just got this batch in:


I've already used up all the F's, G's, M's, and L's. I need more. :(

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

For Mets fans...

The season hasn't even started yet, but based on past seasons, this is good advice to follow:


I made the memory frame pendant with an image I found on metsblog.com. Too bad there isn't a "Now Panic and Freak Out" to put on the other side. Knowing the Mets, it might be needed...

I plan to add baseball and bat charms later.